Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Get 20% OFF Your Next Order!

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Receive up to 20% OFF Your Next Order
Exchange Links with

Now you can save up to 20% OFF your next order by sharing a link to eBottles on your website. It’s a small effort for a big discount, and – best of all – it’s as simple as 1-2-3!

Here’s what you need to do:

·         Post a link to on your company website
·         Email us with the URL of the page that contains our link
·         Receive up to 20% OFF your next order

When sharing a link to our homepage on your website, please use the following information:

I get my bottles at!  

If you would like to add our company logo, you can copy and paste it from here:

In return, we’ll post a link to YOUR website on our Affiliate Site, and we’ll also give you up to 20% OFF your next order.

The discount will be determined by the PageRank of the page that contains our link.* If your page ranks 4 or higher, your discount will be 20%. If your page ranks below 4, your discount will be 10%.

After you post our link, simply email us at and provide the URL of the page that contains the link to our site.

We’ll send you an email confirmation with a discount code to use on your next order and a link to our Affiliate Site that lists your website.
It’s a great way for both of us to benefit from improved ratings by popular search engines, PLUS you get up to 20% off on your next order!

Click here to view a complete selection of our products.

* PageRank is determined by Google’s view of the importance of your webpage.

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