Thursday, February 9, 2012

Discover How Easy it is to Shrink-Wrap Your Bottles!

If you manufacture and sell a product, shrink-wrapping can be an effective way to give your product a finished and professional appearance.

Shrink-wrapping your bottles gives
your product a professional look!
In fact, it is nowadays very common for people to use shrink wrap in their homes on a variety of products … whether it’s gift baskets, candles, DVD’s or – like in this case - bottles.

Today, I'm going to share with you some helpful tips on how to effectively use shrink bands on your product to give it an attractive look and get it ready for sale in a truly fashionable manner.

Here is what you’ll need: Bottles, Shrink bands, Blow dryer (1800 watts) or heat gun

Useful Tip: Order your shrink bands at when placing your order for bottles and you’ll automatically have the right size!

Once you have filled your bottle with the finished product, follow these simple steps to get your shrink bands around the top of the bottle.

      1. Ensure the cap of the bottle is on tightly to prevent any leaking.
      2. Place the shrink band over the bottle, making certain that it fits adequately around the top of the bottle. The bag may shrink as much as 40 percent during the shrinking process.
      3. Set the heat gun to low if you are using a heat gun (350 degrees F). Set a blow dryer to high if you are using a blow dryer.
      4. Direct the heat of the heat gun or the blow dryer onto the shrink-wrap of the bottle. Do not place the source of heat so close that you melt holes in the plastic. Keep the appliance back approximately 6 inches to enable you to shrink the plastic slowly.
      5. Continue to move the heat source evenly around the shrink area of the bottle to shrink the plastic evenly. Stop when it is even and tight around the bottle top and cap.
      6. Do not over-shrink the shrink-wrap and make it so tight that it tears or rips.
      7. Allow the shrink-wrap to cool around the bottle.

That’s it. It only takes a few seconds and as you can see, there’s really not much to it. You may need a little bit of practice at first, but once you get the hang of it, shrink-wrapping your products is a breeze! And a more professional look of your finished product will go along way.

Try it today... Click here to see all shrink band sizes available at eBottles.

1 comment:

  1. I am so lucky I found this Blog!!! Its great!! Lots of information!! Very helpful!! Thank you!!
