Friday, February 3, 2012

What America Eats on Superbowl Sunday!

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Here are some fun facts on what Americans will be eating this weekend. Have fun and be sure to comment below to let us know what your favorite Superbowl food is!

The amount of food that will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday rivals the biggest Thanksgiving Day feasts. Americans will down 1.25 billion, or 100 million pounds, of chicken wings, enough to circle the Earth more than twice, the National Chicken Council reports.

Game watchers will nosh on 13.2 million pounds of pretzels, 43.2 million pounds of tortilla chips and 45.8 million pounds of potato chips, according to Nielsen. The Beer Council says 111 million gallons of beer will be consumed. And, according to stats from Pizza Hut, Domino’s and Papa John’s, 4.4 million pizza pies will be eaten.

Also edging their way into Super Bowl feasts are more healthier fare. There is a 25 percent increase in carrot eating on Super Bowl Sunday compared to other Sundays. And, 71.4 million pounds of heart-healthy avocados (used for guacamole dip) will also be eaten.

According to a Harris Interactive Survey, 54% of fans eat throughout the game instead of snacking at specific times; 12% start snacking before the game as a warm-up; and 9% start feasting after kickoff.

32% will snacks on dips and spreads; 23% will chew on chicken wings; 14% will dine on pizza and 14% will down salty snacks such as chips, peanuts, pretzels or popcorn, the survey found.

The number one player (past or present) fans would most like top have at their Super Bowl party is Joe Montana, Harris said. Tim Tebow takes the second spot, followed by Tom Brady.

I can't wait to hear what your favorite food is on the day of the Big Game. Post your comments below!

Source: Diane Alter – AHN News Reporter, Indianapolis, IN, United States (AHN)

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