Monday, February 13, 2012

Your Guide to Tamper-Evident Product Packaging

You have manufactured your product and chosen your bottle. Now there’s just one more choice to make: Which tamper-evident closure to use?

There are many different methods to make your product packaging tamper-evident. Which direction will you go? Shrink bands, PS liners or temper-evident caps?

The choice is completely yours. But today we’re going to help you in making that choice a little easier…

Your safety option number one are
Shrink Bands - thin pieces of PVC plastic that create an external tamper-evident seal when melted over a lid. This set-up requires your customers to break the seal before they use your product, putting to rest any worry that someone may have frolicked with the goods inside the bottle at an earlier point. Click here for our recent article on how easy it is to shrink-wrap your bottles!

Next, Pressure Sensitive (PS) Liners represent another secure alternative. Made of polystyrene foam, this liner is situated on the inside of the bottle closure. Coated with pressure sensitive glue droplets, the liner is designed to adhere to the container once the lid is twisted onto a bottle or jar, covering the container’s orifice and blocking the product from external passage.

If you’re marketing a beverage line, our
Temper-evident Water Bottle Lids may be the best option for you. These lids are easily applied when the cap is twisted onto the bottle. At first glance, the intact bottle tab reaffirms to the customer that this is a new product. The tamper-evident seal is broken with a twist when the product is first opened.

All of the temper-evident closures discussed above are available at Simply click here and browse through our closure section online. For specific questions, call us toll-free at
1-888-215-0023 and we’ll be glad to help you decide which cap is right for your bottle.

Tamper-evident product packaging is an important step when it comes to marketing your product in a professional way. It gives your customers peace of mind that they are the first to be using your product.

If you have tips on temper-evident packaging, feel free to share your comments below, or post your ideas to our wall on Facebook.


  1. Nice post. Yes tamper evident packaging style is in trend today because customers feels relaxed about the product and it ensures that they are first one to use that item. Another style that I have found is seal that can be in the form of a chit or a short plastic rope that need to be broken down to open the item.
    packaging machine

  2. Tamper evident packaging is really very popular and working fine with modern trend.

