Thursday, January 26, 2012

5 Easy Steps to Identify Which Plastic is Right for Your Product

We get the question all the time: "Which plastic is the right plastic for my product?"

We know that you've spent a long time getting your product developed. But the reality is, finding the right packaging and getting it decorated and ready to market could take you just as long.

Don't get discouraged though. Just remember, it's all part of the process.

5 Easy Steps to Identify Which Plastic is Right for Your Product
Here are some ideas on how you can identify what plastic type will work best with your product:
  1. Call us, the plastic experts, at 1-888-215-0023 for any suggestions or ideas.
  2. Research the different plastic types at and get a general idea on which types to test.
  3. Go to the grocery store or competitor and look at what they're using to package their product.
  4. Order a sample bottle at and test it.
  5. Research all applicable regulatory agencies on packaging in your industry.
What to look for when testing your product

When testing your product in a specific container, here are some things you should be looking for:

1. Does your container and lid combination create a leak-proof seal? Does your product leak when turned upside down? Does it leak when you shake it?

A good way to testing that is to leave your bottle filled with water on its side or upside down over night. If the bottle doesn't leak, you have a good seal. Believe it or not, water is actually harder to hold than almost any other product!

2. Does your filled and sealed container panel over time? Does the shape of the container begin to distort over time? Fill your container and watch it over days, weeks, and months.

To see if your product is compatible with the bottle material, you need to observe changes to the bottle and product over time.

If you don't have an "incubating oven" (and who does), storing the bottle in a sunny window location is a good alternative and will help to accelerate the process.

If your product is leaving the bottle (yes, it's possible!), it will very slowly migrate through the walls of the plastic and imperceptibly evaporate. You will notice the change when the product level slowly goes down and/or the bottle walls collapse from the vacuum that is created.

Typically, changes will start to become apparent within a couple of weeks, and one month should give you a good indication. Three months is even better!

3. Does your product weaken the structure of the plastic? Does the container start to feel flimsy or weak?

4. Does your product taste or smell funny prior to expiration date?

So, what IS the best plastic type for your product? The best answer: Try your options and see!

To view a complete selection of our bottles, visit

Until next time,

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