Friday, February 24, 2012

How to Measure Which Tube is Right for Your Bottle

Fragrance Oblongs
 As a manufacturer of your own product, you know that there’s a lot more to selecting the right bottle than most people think. First, you need to look at the material, the color, the shape and the size of your bottle. Then, you get to choose a lid.

A lot of times, a regular screw or twist on cap will do, and all you need to do is decide on the color, the finish and whether you’ll need a tamper evident seal or not.

Other products are dispensed with pumps or sprayers, so today we’ll discuss how to correctly measure pumps to make sure they’re the right fit for your bottle.

There are three simple steps involved:

  • Measure the height of the bottle
    The height of a bottle is measured from the base of the bottle to the top of the bottle neck, excluding the bottle cap (closure)
  • Measure the length of the pump
    The length of the pump is measured from the bottom end of the tube to the liner of the bottle cap (excluding the pump or sprayer on top)
  • Consider the material of the tube
    Different tube materials determine how the tube should fit inside the bottle. You’ll find a list of the different tube styles we carry below

How the Tube is Meant to Fit in the Bottle

Fine Mist Sprayer
Fine Mist and Fragrance Sprayers use very thin tubes that are less than 1/16th of an inch in diameter and very flexible. The reason why they are so flexible is because they are supposed to slightly bend inside the bottle, with the end of the tube curving toward the corner.

Fine Mist and Fragrance Sprayer tubes should be approximately 1/16” longer than the height of your bottle to allow for the tube to curve inside the bottle.

Trigger Sprayer
Trigger Sprayers are slightly sturdier than Fine Mist and Fragrance Sprayers and a bit wider in diameter. The tube is still flexible enough to slightly bend toward the corner.

Again, Trigger Sprayer pumps should measure approximately 1/16” more in length than the height of your bottle to allow for the tube to bend inside the sprayer bottle.

Lotion Pump
Lotion Pumps are a lot sturdier than sprayer pumps. They are meant to point straight down the center of the bottle, without bending. The end of the tube is cut at an angle, with its tip touching the bottom of the bottle. Cutting the tip at an angle ensures that there is enough space between the end of the tube and the bottom of the bottle to allow for the product to enter the pump.

Lotion Pumps match the height of the bottle in length.

Treatment Pumps are just like Lotion Pumps. They are sturdy and point straight down toward the center of the bottle base. The tube is cut at an angle, with the tip just barely touching the bottom of the bottle, to allow for the product to enter the pump.

Treatment Pumps match the height of the bottle in length.

Dropper Bottle

Droppers are made of glass and point straight down toward the center of the bottle, leaving just enough space for the tip of the dropper not to touch the bottle base.

Droppers measure approximately 1/8” less than the height of the bottle.

Nail Polish Bottle
Nail Polish Brushes are attached to the Nail Polish Cap. The tube is just as flexible as the Fine Mist and Fragrance Sprayer tubes and the brush is attached to the bottom of the tube. Nail Polish Brushes point straight down the center of the bottle.

Nail Polish Brushes measure approximately 1/8” less than the height of the bottle.

At, we automatically match up your bottles with the correct pump size. Simply select your bottle, select your caps, and we’ll make sure that your pump comes with a tube that matches the size of your bottle.

Let us know if this article was helpful to you by posting your comments below!

Friday, February 17, 2012

How to Bottle Your Own BBQ Sauce

Leave as little head space as
possible when filling your bottle.

We get this question all the time... How do I bottle my own BBQ Sauce? So we did some research on this popular topic and gathered all the little tips and tricks from those who know, so that your next bottling project will be a guaranteed success!

Bottling homemade sauces can be a lot of fun; however, it is important to know the proper way to bottle them in order to prevent bacteria that could cause food poisoning or botulism.

Follow the simple instructions below to assure that your sauce will get the maximum shelf life...

1. The Importance of Sanitation
First things first: Sanitation is essential to the bottling process for any food. Please click the links below for detailed directions on sanitizing glass and/or plastic jars and bottles. You can find the perfect glass or plastic bottle for your sauce at

2. Knowing the Acidity Level of Your Food
Knowing the acidity level of the food you’re preserving is another important factor. For canning purposes, food is divided into two categories based on the amount of acid the food registers. The pH level of your sauce determines which of the two canning methods below you should use: water-bath canning or pressure canning.
3. Canning Method for High Acid Foods
High acid foods are much easier to jar than low acid foods. This is because acid kills the bacteria that cause botulism. If your food has a pH of 4.6 or below, there is enough acid to use the following method.
  • Sanitize your jars or bottles as described above.
  • Fill the jars or bottles. Leave as little head space as possible, however make sure that the sauce does not touch the brim of the jar or bottle.
  • Seal the jars tightly with the lids.
  • Place the jars or bottles at least two inches apart in a pot with 220° Fahrenheit boiling water for approximately ten minutes. Check the water level frequently to ensure it stays at least an inch above the bottles.
  • Carefully remove the bottles or jars from the water and allow them to cool. Store them in a cool, dark place.

4. Canning Method for Low Acid Foods 

Low Acid foods are a little more complicated because you do not have the benefit of the acid working as a natural preservative. For these you will need a pressure cooker. They make them especially for this purpose.
  • Sanitize jars or bottles as described above.
  • Fill the jars or bottles. Leave as little head space as possible, however make sure that the sauce does not touch the brim of the jar or bottle.
  • Seal the jars tightly with the lids.
  • Place the jars or bottles at least two inches apart in a pressure cooker containing 2 or 3 inches of water. Follow manufacturer specifications for the pressure cooker. Bring the temperature up to 240° Fahrenheit and maintain for approximately ten minutes.
  • Release the pressure from the pressure cooker according to the manufacturer specifications.
  • Carefully remove the bottles or jars from the water and allow them to cool. Store them in a cool, dark place.
Note: If you are not sure about the acidity level of your sauce, you can buy litmus paper at teacher- or scientific-supply stores and test the acidity level of your food yourself.
Also referred to as pH paper, litmus paper is an acid-sensitive paper that measures the acid in food. When you insert a strip of pH paper into your prepared food, the paper changes color. You then compare the wet strip to the pH chart of colors that accompanies the litmus paper.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Your Guide to Tamper-Evident Product Packaging

You have manufactured your product and chosen your bottle. Now there’s just one more choice to make: Which tamper-evident closure to use?

There are many different methods to make your product packaging tamper-evident. Which direction will you go? Shrink bands, PS liners or temper-evident caps?

The choice is completely yours. But today we’re going to help you in making that choice a little easier…

Your safety option number one are
Shrink Bands - thin pieces of PVC plastic that create an external tamper-evident seal when melted over a lid. This set-up requires your customers to break the seal before they use your product, putting to rest any worry that someone may have frolicked with the goods inside the bottle at an earlier point. Click here for our recent article on how easy it is to shrink-wrap your bottles!

Next, Pressure Sensitive (PS) Liners represent another secure alternative. Made of polystyrene foam, this liner is situated on the inside of the bottle closure. Coated with pressure sensitive glue droplets, the liner is designed to adhere to the container once the lid is twisted onto a bottle or jar, covering the container’s orifice and blocking the product from external passage.

If you’re marketing a beverage line, our
Temper-evident Water Bottle Lids may be the best option for you. These lids are easily applied when the cap is twisted onto the bottle. At first glance, the intact bottle tab reaffirms to the customer that this is a new product. The tamper-evident seal is broken with a twist when the product is first opened.

All of the temper-evident closures discussed above are available at Simply click here and browse through our closure section online. For specific questions, call us toll-free at
1-888-215-0023 and we’ll be glad to help you decide which cap is right for your bottle.

Tamper-evident product packaging is an important step when it comes to marketing your product in a professional way. It gives your customers peace of mind that they are the first to be using your product.

If you have tips on temper-evident packaging, feel free to share your comments below, or post your ideas to our wall on Facebook.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Discover How Easy it is to Shrink-Wrap Your Bottles!

If you manufacture and sell a product, shrink-wrapping can be an effective way to give your product a finished and professional appearance.

Shrink-wrapping your bottles gives
your product a professional look!
In fact, it is nowadays very common for people to use shrink wrap in their homes on a variety of products … whether it’s gift baskets, candles, DVD’s or – like in this case - bottles.

Today, I'm going to share with you some helpful tips on how to effectively use shrink bands on your product to give it an attractive look and get it ready for sale in a truly fashionable manner.

Here is what you’ll need: Bottles, Shrink bands, Blow dryer (1800 watts) or heat gun

Useful Tip: Order your shrink bands at when placing your order for bottles and you’ll automatically have the right size!

Once you have filled your bottle with the finished product, follow these simple steps to get your shrink bands around the top of the bottle.

      1. Ensure the cap of the bottle is on tightly to prevent any leaking.
      2. Place the shrink band over the bottle, making certain that it fits adequately around the top of the bottle. The bag may shrink as much as 40 percent during the shrinking process.
      3. Set the heat gun to low if you are using a heat gun (350 degrees F). Set a blow dryer to high if you are using a blow dryer.
      4. Direct the heat of the heat gun or the blow dryer onto the shrink-wrap of the bottle. Do not place the source of heat so close that you melt holes in the plastic. Keep the appliance back approximately 6 inches to enable you to shrink the plastic slowly.
      5. Continue to move the heat source evenly around the shrink area of the bottle to shrink the plastic evenly. Stop when it is even and tight around the bottle top and cap.
      6. Do not over-shrink the shrink-wrap and make it so tight that it tears or rips.
      7. Allow the shrink-wrap to cool around the bottle.

That’s it. It only takes a few seconds and as you can see, there’s really not much to it. You may need a little bit of practice at first, but once you get the hang of it, shrink-wrapping your products is a breeze! And a more professional look of your finished product will go along way.

Try it today... Click here to see all shrink band sizes available at eBottles.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valentine’s Day Message in a Bottle

Have you been trying to come up with something different to give your loved one for Valentine’s Day this year? Something memorable, but not cheesy… something romantic, but not expensive?

Today, I’m going to share with you a unique and creative gift idea that is not only perfect for Valentine’s Day but can also be adapted to wedding invitations, an anniversary gift, a message for a dear friend, or even words of encouragement.

When you think about it, a Message in a Bottle can be tailored to fit just about any occasion…

The first step, of course, is to get the bottle. You can get plastic bottles or glass bottles for your message in a bottle in various shapes and sizes at

Type up your special Valentine’s message using a pretty font and print it on some antique looking paper. Including a photo of you and your loved one will add a nice touch! Then, roll up your letter tight enough to fit inside the opening of the bottle and tie it with pink and red ribbon.

Next, pour enough sand into the bottle (about 2 inches deep), so that when the letter is placed inside the neck of the bottle, the top portion of the letter will remain in the neck. This way the letter can easily be removed.

Drop heart-shaped confetti, beads or craft jewels into the sand. Note: if using craft jewels, they may end up upside down. A good way to avoid this is to glue craft jewels together, back to back, so that no matter what side it lands on, the jewel will show.

Insert the rolled letter into the neck of the bottle and insert the cork. Tie red and pink ribbon around the neck of the bottle into a bow, trim ends, and decorate the outside of the bottle if you like.

That’s it: You just learned how to create a unique, fun, and memorable gift for the special someone in your life that will be appreciated and cherished forever!

Get started with you’re your Valentine’s Message in a Bottle today by clicking here.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What America Eats on Superbowl Sunday!

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Here are some fun facts on what Americans will be eating this weekend. Have fun and be sure to comment below to let us know what your favorite Superbowl food is!

The amount of food that will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday rivals the biggest Thanksgiving Day feasts. Americans will down 1.25 billion, or 100 million pounds, of chicken wings, enough to circle the Earth more than twice, the National Chicken Council reports.

Game watchers will nosh on 13.2 million pounds of pretzels, 43.2 million pounds of tortilla chips and 45.8 million pounds of potato chips, according to Nielsen. The Beer Council says 111 million gallons of beer will be consumed. And, according to stats from Pizza Hut, Domino’s and Papa John’s, 4.4 million pizza pies will be eaten.

Also edging their way into Super Bowl feasts are more healthier fare. There is a 25 percent increase in carrot eating on Super Bowl Sunday compared to other Sundays. And, 71.4 million pounds of heart-healthy avocados (used for guacamole dip) will also be eaten.

According to a Harris Interactive Survey, 54% of fans eat throughout the game instead of snacking at specific times; 12% start snacking before the game as a warm-up; and 9% start feasting after kickoff.

32% will snacks on dips and spreads; 23% will chew on chicken wings; 14% will dine on pizza and 14% will down salty snacks such as chips, peanuts, pretzels or popcorn, the survey found.

The number one player (past or present) fans would most like top have at their Super Bowl party is Joe Montana, Harris said. Tim Tebow takes the second spot, followed by Tom Brady.

I can't wait to hear what your favorite food is on the day of the Big Game. Post your comments below!

Source: Diane Alter – AHN News Reporter, Indianapolis, IN, United States (AHN)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Get 20% OFF Your Next Order!

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Receive up to 20% OFF Your Next Order
Exchange Links with

Now you can save up to 20% OFF your next order by sharing a link to eBottles on your website. It’s a small effort for a big discount, and – best of all – it’s as simple as 1-2-3!

Here’s what you need to do:

·         Post a link to on your company website
·         Email us with the URL of the page that contains our link
·         Receive up to 20% OFF your next order

When sharing a link to our homepage on your website, please use the following information:

I get my bottles at!  

If you would like to add our company logo, you can copy and paste it from here:

In return, we’ll post a link to YOUR website on our Affiliate Site, and we’ll also give you up to 20% OFF your next order.

The discount will be determined by the PageRank of the page that contains our link.* If your page ranks 4 or higher, your discount will be 20%. If your page ranks below 4, your discount will be 10%.

After you post our link, simply email us at and provide the URL of the page that contains the link to our site.

We’ll send you an email confirmation with a discount code to use on your next order and a link to our Affiliate Site that lists your website.
It’s a great way for both of us to benefit from improved ratings by popular search engines, PLUS you get up to 20% off on your next order!

Click here to view a complete selection of our products.

* PageRank is determined by Google’s view of the importance of your webpage.